(858) 733-0540 [email protected]

What We Offer

Making something extraordinary happen requires new thinking, a new sense of what’s possible, new committed language, and new action. Our engagements take varying forms based on the client’s aspirations – Group Coaching and Consulting; Leadership Development; One-on-One

“Ross & Ross helped my team and I become better executives and team members, to think more strategically and honestly about our roles. Their insightful, sharp and wise approach shakes you in a positive way so you stop pretending and release yourself from negative and damaging habits.”

Victoria Lopez-Nagrete,

SVP and GM, Western Union

Creating the Future™
Our custom-designed Leadership Team Coaching and Consulting engagement:

  • An analysis of the organizational cultural conditions
  • A series of work-sessions to uncover hidden constraints to performance, align on what’s most important to fulfill, and develop greater to engagement, communication
  • The formulation and pursuit of “breakthrough” initiatives
  • Ongoing coaching of key leaders and project teams

Being a Leader™
A new kind of leadership course that deals with the essential nature of leadership. This course provides leaders with direct access to actually be a leader and the effective exercise of leadership at any time, under any circumstance.

Mastering Performance™
Mastering Performance introduces a new methodology for enhancing individual and organizational performance, answering: Why do people do and don’t do what they do and don’t do? And, what has people perform beyond the predictable? You will jettison what’s holding you back and create a new future for your business and life that is beyond the predictable.

Achieving Your Best™
One-on-one coaching for executives and senior leaders, who are committed to maximize their impact, through exceptional performance and breakthrough results. Executives and managers move to a new level of mastery as both an individual contributor and as a leader of the organization.

Mission Control©
An radical approach to greater performance, power and peace of mind, providing a dramatic increase in productivity and effectiveness while reducing stress. In just two days you get six new tools with accompanying work practices that enable you to manage everything you are doing and not doing, so everything in your life is handled all of the time.